
Important Announcement Channels

To ensure that you never miss out on important updates and announcements regarding Hammer Finance, we encourage you to join our dedicated community alert channels. These channels are designed to keep you informed and engaged with the latest developments. Stay connected with us through the following platforms:

  1. Telegram Hammer Finance Announcements: Join the Telegram channel "Hammer Finance Announcements" ( to receive real-time updates and official announcements directly from the Hammer Finance team. This channel is the go-to place for important news, feature releases, and other relevant information regarding the Hammer Finance ecosystem.

  2. Telegram Hammer Finance Community: Become part of the vibrant Hammer Finance community by joining the "Hammer Finance Official" Telegram group. (

By being an active member of these community alert channels, you gain valuable insights, discover new opportunities, and become an integral part of the Hammer Finance community. We believe that open communication and engagement are vital for building a strong and successful decentralized finance ecosystem.

Join us on Telegram and Discord today, and be at the forefront of the Hammer Finance revolution.

Last updated