Getting started

Exploring Native Hammer and Wallet Support

With Hammer Finance, users can seamlessly engage with the protocol without the need for direct interaction with Hammer tokens or the Hammer Finance protocol itself. Swapping assets and adding or removing liquidity can be accomplished without directly handling Hammer or delving into the intricacies of the Hammer Finance ecosystem. Users simply need to locate a Hammer Finance-connected wallet to begin their journey.

However, for more advanced users looking to contribute to the network or add symmetrical liquidity, the acquisition of native Hammer tokens becomes necessary.

Acquiring Native Hammer: There are multiple avenues to obtain native Hammer tokens. Users can purchase as ETH, and subsequently swap them for native Hammer tokens. Once acquired, users can securely transfer the tokens to a self-custody wallet for safekeeping.

Wallets Supporting Native Hammer: Native Hammer tokens enjoy support from a variety of wallets. Below, you can find further information regarding wallets that offer compatibility with the Hammer Finance ecosystem. These wallets provide a seamless experience for users to store, manage, and transact with their native Hammer tokens.

By leveraging the functionality and support of these wallets, users can confidently navigate the world of Hammer Finance, ensuring their participation in the ecosystem is seamless and secure.

Last updated